Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Art Show & this and that

I have been too busy coordinating the annual Colorado Governor's Invitational Art Show to write this blog - plus a week before the opening night gala a tooth broke which required a temporary crown -- then the temp crown fell out two days before the show opening. Then my six year old computer froze on me the very night I needed it to create the show's price booklet.

It never fails that something major seems to happen close to opening night. Oh well, I got through it and opening night, April 23 was a huge success!

Nearly five-hundred people filled the two floors of the Loveland Museum to view 260 pieces of original paintings and sculpture by well known artists including, Kim English, Gerald Balciar, Sallie K. Smith, Ron Hicks, George Lundeen and Mark Thompson. So many artists and collectors attended that I got lost in the crowd - though Cowboy Artist of America, Herb Mignery and his wife were there, I never saw them. Good thing I was wearing my pink cowboy hat so volunteers could find me in the crowd.

An optimistic energy flowed throughout the gala evening - maybe the economy is turning around as our 2011 opening night art sales were $36,000 higher than 2010 opening night sales! And the show will continue to sell through its last day, June 5, 2011.  Within a week of the show's opening we had sold an additional $25,000 worth of art.

Since my position as director/curator is judged on art sales - which have been great this year, I have job security for another year -  and I can start thinking about marketing my children's picture book, The Mutt & the Mustang which will be out next month.

My first Mutt & the Mustang "literary" event will be Thursday, June 23, from 4:00 to 7:00 pm when I will be part of the Loveland Museum's Horse exhibit.   Can't wait!

Beginning mid May I will be boarding a friend's 5 year old gelding - hope he will get along with my old horses. I had hoped to board a mare for my mustang who two years ago fell in love with a mare I was boarding. When the mare was trailered away, he ran along the fence line whinnying for her - then whinnied his sadness all night long - I know this because my neighbor whose house is closer to the corral than mine was awakened by Mustang's cries and was so concerned he got up in the middle of the night to check on my horse.

Eventually Mustang got over his sadness but the old horse and I have a lot in common - too many losses in both our lives.

It is May and snowing again!!!! I've killed more pansies because of jumping the weather gun and planting them too soon- currently, two dozen of the little velvet flowers are in my kitchen waiting for warmer are a grape plant and a blueberry plant. I am optimistic to even think those will grow in this rocky dry soil.

My spring resolve is to keep this blog more current --

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