It is supposed to be spring time yet I woke up to six inches of snow and it continues to snow with another 3 to 6 inches expected. TV weather guy said this is the wettest spring since 1876 - snowpack in Rocky Mountain National Park is 270% above normal and is even higher on the western side of the Divide.
Our city and county officials are concerned about flooding - if it ever warms up - Relieved I no longer live on the Big Thompson River.
While it was snowing like crazy the buck with the injured front foot came for a visit with two of his buddies - haven't seen him in a couple of weeks so relieved to know he is still doing ok.
A lot of people think deer are loners but that's not true - they have been forced to become loners to survive hunting seasons. In places like Estes Park where there no hunting deer prefer to stay with family units, which ususally consist of one or two does, last year's fawns, and a yearling or two. Older bucks like to travel together. I know this not only because of living in Estes Park but years ago when owning 150 acres in Oregon and 300 acres in northern Minnesota where no hunting was allowed, the deer also lived in family units.
Colorado Governor's Art Show sales continue to be strong - currently more than $180,000 with 5 artists selling out (which means they each sold 4 paintings they had in the show). Those lucky artists are:
Nikolo Balkanski
Perry Brown
Kit Hevron Machoney
Stacey Peterson
Sallie K. Smith
Several other artists sold 3 out of works - unfortunately, 17 artists did not sell any paintings or sculptures.
Back at the ranch - I nearly fell over when I opened the hay shed to a pack rat staring me in the face...
it quickly ran behind a bale of hay where it probably has a nest. I shall have to live trap and move it before it has babies -
Java, the horse that I've been boarding for the last week is doing well with Mustang and Rio, my two geldings being nicer to him. If the weather would only warm up, Lori and I could ride together.
Damn snow killed my pansies, hollyhocks and miniature rose bushes which I had kept inside all winter.
I will not plant another thing this year - hope my lilacs survive - if they don't I will truly give up gardening.
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