Monday, May 23, 2011

My book is here! My book is here! Also Art Show sales

Today I received advance copies of The Mutt & the Mustang, my children's picture book. When I opened the box I burst into tears - didn't realize how emotional this would be for me. I love the book!
I showed it to Paula who owns the local book store - she too loves it and can't wait until copies are here for her to have in the store - that won't be until the end of June.
This evening I hosted a small celebration gathering that included the book's illustrator, Pat, her husband, Paul,
Lynda who brought us together and my neighbors who if it weren't for them I could not live on 3 acres with fences and barns falling apart --- We indeed celebrated - Paul brought a bottle of wine he had made - complete with a beautiful label showing him mountain climbing. Everyone made over the stars of the book - Kody, my poodle mix who rides a horse every day and Cheyenne, my German shepherd who has a special relationship with my paint horse Rio - we stayed busy coming up with ways to promote and market The Mutt & the Mustang --

Now to the art show --- sales are now approaching $185,000 - the following artists have sold out:
Nikolo Balkaski
Perry Brown
Kim English
Sushe Felix
Kit Hevron Mahoney
Stacey Peterson
Sallie K. Smith
Through the five weeks the show is on display at the Loveland Museum nearly 4,000 people will view it -
we will continue to have sales - check back to see if your favorite artist is on sell out list.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Will spring ever arrive?

It is supposed to be spring time yet I woke up to six inches of snow and it continues to snow with another 3 to 6 inches expected. TV weather guy said this is the wettest spring since 1876 - snowpack in Rocky Mountain National Park is 270% above normal and is even higher on the western side of the Divide.
Our city and county officials are concerned about flooding - if it ever warms up -  Relieved I no longer live on the Big Thompson River.

While it was snowing like crazy the buck with the injured front foot came for a visit with two of his buddies - haven't seen him in a couple of weeks so relieved to know he is still doing ok.

A lot of people think deer are loners but that's not true - they have been forced to become loners to survive hunting seasons.  In places like Estes Park where there no hunting deer prefer to stay with family units, which ususally consist of one or two does, last year's fawns, and a yearling or two.  Older bucks like to travel together.  I know this not only because of living in Estes Park but years ago when owning 150 acres in Oregon and 300 acres in northern Minnesota where no hunting was allowed, the deer also lived in family units.

Colorado Governor's Art Show sales continue to be strong - currently more than $180,000 with 5 artists selling out (which means they each sold 4 paintings they had in the show). Those lucky artists are:
Nikolo Balkanski
Perry Brown
Kit Hevron Machoney
Stacey Peterson
Sallie K. Smith

Several other artists sold 3 out of works - unfortunately, 17 artists did not sell any  paintings or sculptures. 

Back at the ranch - I nearly fell over when I opened the hay shed to a pack rat staring me in the face...
it quickly ran behind a bale of hay where it probably has a nest. I shall have to live trap and move it before it has babies -

Java, the horse that I've been boarding for the last week is doing well with Mustang and Rio, my two geldings being nicer to him. If the weather would only warm up, Lori and I could ride together.

Damn snow killed my pansies, hollyhocks and miniature rose bushes which I had kept inside all winter.
I will not plant another thing this year - hope my lilacs  survive - if they don't I will truly give up gardening.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Hot Java moves to the ranch

Last night my friend Lori brought her beautiful four year old black gaited horse named Java to board here for the summer, pissing Mustang off.

Kept in adjoining but separate corrals whenever the two horses sniff noses across the fence Mustang tries to bite the intruder - then Java swings around kicking both hind legs at my horse.  Whenever Rio, my paint horse who is kept in the same corral as Mustang tries to sniff Java's nose, Mustang runs him off. Mustang makes it quite clear that Rio belongs in his herd.

A little more work to keep Java separated from my horses yet give them all hours in larger pastures. Hopefully, they will eventually learn to get along.

When I first got Rio, who had been starved - I thought Mustang who had alone would welcome another horse. However, Mustang chased Rio around the arena, cornered him then bit his butt until it bled...which I don't want to happen to Lori's horse.
Eventually, Rio and Mustang became buddies but it took several weeks.  I think Rio who is low in the pecking order would get along with Java so when the weather warms up Lori and I plan to work the two horses together.

I took Kody up to meet Java, my horse loving dog immediately licked his nose. Java shook his head then stepped back.

A coyote has been coming through my acreage on a daily basis -- which means I have to watch Cheyenne and Kody when they are playing in the arena. Yesterday, while I was paying more attention to Lori than my dogs the coyote ran by and my dogs took after it!  Good thing Cheyenne has a bad hip because that was the only thing that stopped her from chasing the coyote.  I love coyotes - and need them to keep the ground squirrel population in check but I shall have to be more vigilant watching my dogs.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

snow, sore joints and cats

This spring time in the Rockies is frustrating - here it is May 11 and Estes Park gets dumped on with 5 inches of wet snow - my third plantings of pansies are now on their way out. We have had more snow this spring than we had all winter.

This morning, my shepherd Cheyenne who loves the snow ran Kody around the arena several times - which is unusual because one of her hind legs has been bothering her so she hasn't felt like walking, never mind running - but then this evening she started limping.  I've sent for some special herbs that are supposed to "fix" dog joints within ten days - we'll see if that works or not.  As she already has a six inch metal plate in one back leg I'm not ready to go that route again.....not only the several thousand dollar cost of the surgery but it was a horrible experience for Cheyenne to go through.  If the herbs don't work I shall ask the vet for pain medication. She is only 5 years old but her hind quarters have never been sturdy -

Skye, my Siamese mix with blue eyes is finally getting more loving toward me- Since I adopted Skye as an adult, I don't know her history only that she enjoys playing with Cloud, my one-eyed white cat and loves both Kody and Cheyenne but is terrified of every person except  me. It has taken two years for Skye to come sit in my lap of her own accord - tho she likes me enough to sit next to my computer while I'm working.
 Cloud, my one-eyed white cat who I also adopted as an adult plays with Skye, loves Cheyenne and lets Kody hump her but was also afraid of me - Finally, Cloud lets me hold her but she is nervous about it.
Damn the people who made these two wonderous beautiful cats so fearful of humans!  

Last year when Skye was outside in the fenced yard she would constantly escape - I could not keep her inside the yard no matter how high the fence -  this year Skye has been content to stay in the yard. In fact, I am now so confidant of her staying that I have taken down the extreme fencing which didn't keep her in anyway.
Maybe Skye finally accepts this place as home.   Cloud never tried to escape - she knew a good home right from the beginning.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Art Show & this and that

I have been too busy coordinating the annual Colorado Governor's Invitational Art Show to write this blog - plus a week before the opening night gala a tooth broke which required a temporary crown -- then the temp crown fell out two days before the show opening. Then my six year old computer froze on me the very night I needed it to create the show's price booklet.

It never fails that something major seems to happen close to opening night. Oh well, I got through it and opening night, April 23 was a huge success!

Nearly five-hundred people filled the two floors of the Loveland Museum to view 260 pieces of original paintings and sculpture by well known artists including, Kim English, Gerald Balciar, Sallie K. Smith, Ron Hicks, George Lundeen and Mark Thompson. So many artists and collectors attended that I got lost in the crowd - though Cowboy Artist of America, Herb Mignery and his wife were there, I never saw them. Good thing I was wearing my pink cowboy hat so volunteers could find me in the crowd.

An optimistic energy flowed throughout the gala evening - maybe the economy is turning around as our 2011 opening night art sales were $36,000 higher than 2010 opening night sales! And the show will continue to sell through its last day, June 5, 2011.  Within a week of the show's opening we had sold an additional $25,000 worth of art.

Since my position as director/curator is judged on art sales - which have been great this year, I have job security for another year -  and I can start thinking about marketing my children's picture book, The Mutt & the Mustang which will be out next month.

My first Mutt & the Mustang "literary" event will be Thursday, June 23, from 4:00 to 7:00 pm when I will be part of the Loveland Museum's Horse exhibit.   Can't wait!

Beginning mid May I will be boarding a friend's 5 year old gelding - hope he will get along with my old horses. I had hoped to board a mare for my mustang who two years ago fell in love with a mare I was boarding. When the mare was trailered away, he ran along the fence line whinnying for her - then whinnied his sadness all night long - I know this because my neighbor whose house is closer to the corral than mine was awakened by Mustang's cries and was so concerned he got up in the middle of the night to check on my horse.

Eventually Mustang got over his sadness but the old horse and I have a lot in common - too many losses in both our lives.

It is May and snowing again!!!! I've killed more pansies because of jumping the weather gun and planting them too soon- currently, two dozen of the little velvet flowers are in my kitchen waiting for warmer are a grape plant and a blueberry plant. I am optimistic to even think those will grow in this rocky dry soil.

My spring resolve is to keep this blog more current --